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Value Proposition Canvas

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  • The Value Proposition Canvas from Strategyzer
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Do you like using visuals to help structure your thinking? Then this is a great tool to learn and define how your products or services bring value. Good for visualizing, designing, and testing how your products help your customers.

It’s got two sections: value map, and customer profile. Use the customer profile part to identify jobs-to-be-done and the pains and gains that are tied to them.

In the value map, list your products and services and note how they benefit and help your customers. In the 'Pain relievers' section, it’s good to think about how your services make your customer’s lives easier, and in the 'Gain Creators' part, write down all the rewards and gains they’ll enjoy.

Finally, pull it all together by looking at how you can reduce customer pain points and increase benefits through your products.


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Strategyzer is a leading provider of tools and resources for business innovation and strategy. Their platform offers proven frameworks like the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas, helping teams design, test, and scale impactful business ideas.

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