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Making decisions

Strengthen your decision-making with these resources that help you and your team evaluate options, assess risks, and make smarter choices. Achieve better results by sharpening your analytical skills.

Man thinking while holding reMarkable Marker

Decision impact

Not all decisions hold up over time. Second-order thinking helps you consider the long-term impact of your choices, so you can make smarter decisions.

To use this method, you start by thinking about a decision you need to make, and considering the immediate effects it would have. Write this down in the 'Immediate effects' column on the template. Then think about the effects that would follow — this would be the second-order effects. Note these down in the second column. Repeat the process in the third column to complete the template.

Second-order thinking is a great tool for discovering and evaluating consequences of your choices

Decision impact template for reMarkable tablet

Decision matrix

Making decisions can be difficult, especially when you’ve got lots of factors to consider. Our decision matrix template helps you weigh all key aspects when making a choice. It makes the whole process a lot clearer.

Begin by considering the decision you’d like to make. Then, write down your alternatives in the 'Options' column. Now it’s time to think about the different factors that’ll influence your decision. For example, if you’re using this method to decide which marketing campaign to run, you’d list the cost, talent, and resources you’d need under 'Factors'.

Then, identify the factors that matter most, score each option based on those factors, and give more importance to the key ones. Finally, calculate the total score for each option and choose the one with the highest score.

Impact-effort template for reMarkable tablet


Our pros and cons template, with its simple and clear design, makes it easy to show the benefits and drawbacks of your options in a straightforward way.

At the top of the template, write down the idea or issue you’re considering. Then, list the positive and negative points of the topic in the columns below. Finally, you’ll be able to review your lists and gain an overview of the benefits and disadvantages of your topic.

Listing the pros and cons can help you make smarter decisions when there are a lot of factors to think about.

Download the template to use it on your paper tablet.

Pros/cons template

Inference ladder

The Ladder of inference is a tool to better understand how you make decisions. It’s good for reflecting on your thought process, to improve communication, and get on the same page as others.

This template has seven sections, each representing part of the decision-making process. Here’s how to use it:

Before making a decision, take a moment to identify where you’re at on the ladder. For example, have you already drawn a conclusion? Work your way down the template to think about your beliefs, assumptions, the available data, and more. This will help you make solid decisions.

Inference ladder template for reMarkable


Need help narrowing down the tasks that’ll bring you closer to your goals?

Our impact-effort matrix can guide you through it. It helps you prioritize actions, letting you concentrate on items that bring the biggest impact. It’s not hard to do — we’ve designed this template to make it simple to apply the method.

There’s four sections, based on two factors: impact and effort. For each task, consider how much effort it will take, and how much impact it will have. Then, as you fill in the sections, you’ll see which items to focus on, and which to postpone.

Impact-effort template for reMarkable tablet

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